November 2021

Dear Valued Customer, 

First of all, we thank you very much for your continued support and trust on Hilti, amidst this challenging time for everyone of us.

In the last 9 months, Hilti and many customers globally and in Indonesia have been witnessing unprecedented situation with significant increase of raw materials price – most notably steel, chemical, electronic components – and freight costs. At Hilti, we continue our best effort in optimizing our global supply chain, in order to reduce the impact on product cost as minimum as possible.

Amidst the situation, Hilti’s priority remains serving you at our best level with our best Hilti solution to help you run your construction projects productively, safely, and cost efficiently. However, we now came to the point that the only way to sustain our service is by revisiting the price of our products upwards, as minimum as possible.

Hereby, we inform you about the average 12.5% increase or our product prices effective 01 Jan 2022. The percentage is different for each product, considering various factors. Pertaining to this, all quotations with 2021 price is still valid until 31 Dec 2021, but all invoices dated beyond 31 Dec 2021 will follow the new price.

Should you have further inquiries on this, please do not hesitate to contact me via email Your Hilti dedicated Account Manager is also available to assist you. For product & service information, please visit or contact our Customer Service (021-789-0850 / 

Thank you.


Para Pelanggan yang Kami Hormati,

Pertama-tama kami mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya untuk dukungan dan kepercayaan Anda terhadap Hilti, ditengah-tengah masa-masa sulit ini bagi kita semua.

Dalam 9 bulan terakhir, Hilti dan pelanggan di seluruh dunia dan Indonesia menyaksikan situasi yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya terkait kenaikan harga bahan baku – terlebih baja, kimia, komponen elektronik – dan biaya pengapalan. Di Hilti kami tetap melanjutkan upaya terbaik kami dalam mengoptimalkan jaringan rantai pasokan global kami, untuk mengurangi dampak terhadap biaya produk seminimum mungkin.

Ditengah situasi ini, Hilti tetap memprioritaskan pelayanan terbaik kami melalui solusi yang dapat membantu Anda menjalankan proyek konstruksi secara produktif, aman, dan hemat biaya. Namun untuk menjaga kesinambungannya, kami telah sampai pada saat dimana kami harus menaikan harga produk seminimum mungkin.

Bersama ini, kami informasikan kenaikan harga produk Hilti rata-rata 12.5% per 01 Jan 2022. Persentase kenaikan berbeda untuk tiap produk dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai faktor. Terkait ini, semua quotation dengan harga 2021 tetap berlaku sampai 31 Des 2021, namun semua invoice setelah 31 Dec 2021 akan mengikuti harga baru.

Bila Anda memiliki pertanyaan terkait ini, mohon jangan ragu untuk menghubungi saya ( Account Manager Hilti pun dapat membantu Anda. Untuk informasi produk dan layanan, kunjungi website kami, atau hubungi Customer Service kami (021-789-0850 / 

Terima kasih.


President Director
PT. Hilti Nusantara